
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 07 Oct 2011 15:05 and updated at 07 Oct 2011 15:05


yst.01 Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness: the riches of Vohu Mano shall he given to him who works in this world for Mazda, and wields according to the will of Ahura the power he gave him to relieve the poor.
yst.01 "Who is he who will smite the fiend in order to maintain thy ordinances? Teach me clearly thy rules for this world and for the next, that Sraosha may come with Vohu Mano and help whomsoever thou pleasest."
yst.01 Here is Vohu Mano, my creature, O Zarathushtra! here is Asha Vahishta, my creature, O Zarathushtra! here is Khshathra Vairya, my creature, O Zarathushtra! here is Spenta Armaiti, my creature, O Zarathushtra! here are Haurvatat and Ameretat, who are the reward of the holy ones, when freed from their bodies, my creatures, O Zarathushtra!
yst.02 To Vohu Mano; to Peace, whose breath is friendly, and who is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures; to the heavenly Wisdom, made by Mazda, and to the Wisdom acquired through the ear, made by Mazda;
yst.02 We sacrifice unto Vohu Mano, the Amesha Spenta; we sacrifice unto Peace, whose breath is friendly, and who is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures; we sacrifice unto the heavenly Wisdom, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Wisdom acquired through the ear, made by Mazda.
yst.02 He has renounced trespasses and faults, O Zarathustra! he has renounced all trespasses and faults, O Zarathustra! when he throws down the destroyer of Vohu Mano and his words, with a Hundred times hundredfold, with a many times manifold preaching and smiting, and he takes away the Law of Mazda, that was carried away as a prisoner, from the hands of the [ungodly], who are destroyed by his strength.
yst.02 Of Vohu Mano; of Peace, whose breath is friendly….
yst.04 1. Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathushtra, saying: I created for the faithful the help, the enjoyments, the comforts, and the pleasures of Haurvatat. We unite them with him who would come up to thee as one of the Amesha Spentas, as he would come to any of the Amesha Spentas, Vohu Mano, Asha Vahishta, Khshathra Vairya, Spenta Armaiti, Haurvatat, and Ameretat.
yst.10 92. The holy Ahura Mazda confessed that religion and so did Vohu Mano, so did Asha Vahishta, so did Khshathra Vairya, so did Spenta Armaiti, so did Haurvatat and Ameretat and all the Amesha Spentas longed for and confessed his religion. The kind Mazda conferred upon him the mastership of the world and [so did they who saw thee amongst all creatures the right lord and master of the world, the best cleanser of these creatures.
yst.13 77. When Angra Mainyu broke into the creation of the good holiness, then came in across Vohu Mano and Atar.
yst.19 The Good Spirit flung a dart, and so did Vohu Mano, and Asha Vahishta and Atar, the son of Ahura Mazda.
yst.19 The Evil Spirit flung a dart, and so did Akem Mano, and Aeshma of the wounding spear and Azhi Dahaka and Spityura, he who sawed Yima in twain.
yst.19 96. Akem Mano smites, but Vohu Mano shall smite him; the Word of falsehood smites, but the Word of truth shall smite it. Haurvatat and Ameretat shall smite both hunger and thirst: Haurvatat and Ameretat shall smite the evil hunger and the evil thirst. The evil doing Angra Mainyu bows and flees, becoming powerless.

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