
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 08 Oct 2011 14:40 and updated at 08 Oct 2011 14:40


yst.08 2. We offer up libations unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, that gives happy dwelling and good dwelling; the white, shining, seen afar, and piercing; the health bringing, loud snorting, and high, piercing from afar with its shining, undefiled rays; and unto the waters of the wide sea, the Vanguhi of wide renown, and the species of the Bull, made by Mazda, the awful kingly Glory, and the Fravashi of the holy Spitama Zarathushtra.
yst.08 38. Ahura Mazda gave him assistance, and the Amesha Spentas and Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, pointed him the way: behind him went the tall Ashish Vanguhi and Parendi on her light Chariot: always till, in his course, he reached Mount Hvanvant on the shining waters.
yst.10 66. With whom proceed Ashi Vanguhi, and Parendi on her light Chariot the awful Manly Courage, the awful kingly Glory, the awful sovereign Sky, the awful cursing thought of the wise, the awful Fravashis of the faithful, and he who keeps united together the many faithful worshippers of Mazda For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard….
yst.10 68. Whose Chariot is embraced by the great Ashi Vanguhi to whom the Law of Mazda opens a way, that he may go easily whom Four heavenly steeds, white, shining, seen afar, beneficent, endowed with knowledge, swiftly carry along the heavenly space while the cursing thought of the wise pushes it forward
yst.11 8. For his brightness and glory, for his strength and victorious power, for his offering sacrifices unto the gods, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard. I will offer up libations unto the holy Sraosha, unto the great Ashi Vanguhi, and unto Nairyo sangha, the tall formed.
yst.11 The friends of Ashi Vanguhi;
yst.11 We sacrifice unto the body of Ashi Vanguhi;
yst.13 107. In whose house did walk the good, beautiful, shining Ashi Vanguhi, in the shape of a maid fair of body, most strong, tall formed, high up girded, pure, nobly born of a glorious seed; who, rushing to the battle, knew how to make room for himself with his own arms; who, rushing to the battle, knew how to fight the foe with his own arms.
yst.13 157. May they, being satisfied, bless this house with the presence of the kind Ashi Vanguhi! May they leave this house satisfied! May they carry back from here hymns and worship to the Maker, Ahura Mazda, and the Amesha Spentas! May they not leave this house of us, the worshippers of Mazda, complaining!
yst.17 1. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high, tall formed, well worthy of sacrifice, with a loud sounding Chariot, strong, welfare giving, healing, with fulness of intellect and powerful
yst.17 3 For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard I will offer up unto Ashi Vanguhi a good sacrifice with an offering of libations. We sacrifice unto Ashi Vanguhi with the libations, with the Haoma and meat, with the baresma, with the wisdom of the tongue, with the holy spells, with the words, with the deeds, with the libations, and with the rightly spoken words. Yenhe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda….
yst.17 4. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high, tall formed, well worthy of sacrifice, with a loud sounding Chariot, strong, welfare giving, healing, with fulness of intellect, and powerful.
yst.17 5. Homage unto Haoma, and unto the Mathra and unto the holy Zarathushtra! Homage unto Haoma, because all other drinks are atTended with Aeshma the fiend of the wounding spear: but the drinking of Haoma is atTended with Asha and with Ashi Vanguhi herself
yst.17 6. Ashi is fair Ashi is radiant with joy she is far piercing with her rays. Ashi gives good Glory unto those men whom thou dost follow, O Ashi! Full of perfumes is the house in which the good, powerful Ashi Vanguhi puts her feet, for long friendship.
yst.17 8. Those men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have houses that stand well laid up, rich in cattle, foremost in Asha, and long supported. Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 9. The men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have beds that stand well spread, well adorned, well made, provided with cushions and with feet inlaid with gold. Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 10. The men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have their ladies that sit on their beds, waiting for them: they lie on the cushions, adorning themselves, with square bored ear rings and a necklace of gold: When will our lord come? when shall we enjoy in our bodies the joys of love? Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 11. The men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have daughters that sit thin is their waist, beautiful is their body, long are their fingers they are as fair of shape as those who look on can wish. Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 12. The men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have Horses swift and loud neighing they drive the Chariot lightly, they take it to the battle they bear a gallant praiser (of the gods), who has many Horses, a solid Chariot, a sharp spear, a long spear, and swift Arrows, who hits his aim, pursuing after his enemies, and smiting his foes. Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 13. The men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have large humped, burden bearing camels, flying from the ground or fighting with holy fieriness Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 14. The men whom thou dost atTend, O Ashi Vanguhi! have hoards of Silver and Gold brought together from far distant regions and garments of splendid make. Happy the man whom thou dost atTend! Do thou atTend me, thou rich in all sorts of desirable things and strong!
yst.17 17. Praised of the gods, unoffended by the righteous the great Ashi Vanguhi stood up on her Chariot, thus speaking: Who art thou who dost invoke me, whose voice is to my ear the sweetest of all that invoked me most?
yst.17 21. And the great Ashi Vanguhi exclaimed: Come nearer unto me, thou pure, holy Spitama! lean against my Chariot! Spitama Zarathushtra came nearer unto her, he leant against her Chariot.
yst.17 23 We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high, tall formed, well worthy of sacrifice, with a loud sounding Chariot, strong, welfare giving, healing, with fulness of intellect and powerful.
yst.17 25. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may overcome all the Daevas of Mazana that I may never fear and bow through terror before the Daevas, but that all the Daevas may fear and bow in spite of themselves before me, that they may fear and flee down to darkness.
yst.17 26. The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side: Haoshyangha, the Paradhata, obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice….
yst.17 27. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 29. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may bring fatness and flocks down to the world created by Mazda that I may bring immortality down to the world created by Mazda
yst.17 31. Then great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side: Yima Khshaeta, the good shepherd, obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice
yst.17 32. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 34. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may overcome Azhi Dahaka, the Three mouthed, the Three headed, the Six eyed, who has a Thousand senses, that most powerful, fiendish Druj, that demon, baleful to the world, the strongest Druj that Angra Mainyu created against the material world, to destroy the world of the good principle and that I may deliver his Two wives, Savanghavak and Erenavak, who are the fairest of body amongst Women, and the most wonderful creatures in the world.
yst.17 35. The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side. Thraetaona, the heir of the valiant Athwya clan, obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice
yst.17 36. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 38. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may bind the Turanian murderer, Franghrasyan, that I may drag him bound, that I may bring him bound unto king Husravah, that king Husravah may kill him, behind the Chaechasta lake, the deep lake of salt waters, to avenge the murder of his father Syavarshana, a man, and of Aghraeratha, a semi man.
yst.17 39. The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side. Haoma, the enlivening, the healing, the beautiful, the lordly, with golden eyes, obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice….
yst.17 40. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 42. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may kill the Turanian murderer, Franghrasyan, behind the Chaechasta lake, the deep lake of salt waters, to avenge the murder of my father Syavarshana, a man, and of Aghraeratha, a semi man.
yst.17 43. The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side. The gallant Husravah, he who united the Aryan nations into one kingdom, obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard….
yst.17 44. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 46. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may bring the good and noble Hutaosa to think according to the law, to speak according to the law, to do according to the law, that she may spread my law and make it known, that she may bestow beautiful praises upon my deeds.
yst.17 47. The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side: the holy Zarathushtra obtained that boon. For her brightness, and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard….
yst.17 48. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 50. He begged of her a boon, saying: Grant me this, O great Ashi Vanguhi! that I may put to flight Ashta aurvant, the son of Vispo thaurvo asti, the all afflicting, of the brazen helmet, of the brazen armour, of the thick neck, behind whom Seven Hundred camels that I may put to flight the Hvyaona murderer, Arejat aspa that I may put to flight Darshinika, the worshipper of the Daevas
yst.17 52. The great Ashi Vanguhi ran and came to his side: the tall Kavi Vishtaspa obtained that boon. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard
yst.17 53. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high and powerful.
yst.17 54. And the great Ashi Vanguhi said: None of those libations will be accepted by me, which are sent to me either by a man whose seed is dried out or by the courtezan who produces untimely issues or by young boys, or by girls who have known no man
yst.17 57. The first wailing of the great Ashi Vanguhi is her wailing about the courtezan who destroys her fruit: Stand thou not near her, sit thou not on her bed! mdash What shall I do? Shall I go back to the heavens? Shall I sink into the earth?
yst.17 58. The second wailing of the great Ashi Vanguhi is her wailing about the courtezan who brings forth a child conceived of a stranger and presents it to her husband: What shall I do? Shall I go back to the heavens? Shall I sink into the earth?
yst.17 59. This is the third wailing of the great Ashi Vanguhi: This is the worst deed that men and tyrants do, namely, when they deprive maids, that have been barren for a long time, of marrying and bringing forth children. What shall I do? Shall I go back to the heavens? Shall I sink into the earth?
yst.17 62. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness…. I bless the sacrifice and prayer, and the strength and vigour of Ashi Vanguhi of the good Chisti of the good Erethe of the good Rasastat of the Glory and Weal, made by Mazda. Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good…. Give] unto that man brightness and glory, give him health of body, give him the bright, all happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones.
yst.18 And I made the great Ashi Vanguhi; she comes in, amid the family; she comes in, inside the fine royal palace.
yst.18 With all sorts of flocks, with all victory, with all intelligence, with all Glory, the great Ashi Vanguhi puts one foot inside his family; she comes in, inside his fine royal palace.

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